Loading Saved Site Configuration into IIS

If you read Saving Site Configuration to File you’ll also want to know how to load that file back into your Windows Server running IIS. You can use the file to duplicate the site configuration on a development Windows server.

Use it when you move to another Windows server. You can even use it to load a new website so you don’t have to configure PHP or any other extensions or loadable modules. Keep in mind if you do want to load a new website to duplicate the configuration you’ll have to change the host headers and IP address assigned to the new site in Windows Server IIS manager.

Let’s get started.

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Windows Server 2008 Forum Now Open

I recently opened, yesterday in fact, a new forum for Windows Server 2008 help, support and discussions. Once Windows Server 2008 is released to the public the new forum will be the place to discuss anything related to the new version of Windows Server.

When Windows Server 2008 is adopted by more people I will combine Admins Zone – Resources for Forum Admins into the new forum to make a one stop shop for all your Windows Server needs.

Be one of the first to register at the new Windows Server 2008 Forum.

Windows Server 2008 RTM

I recently installed Windows Server 2008 on one of my servers. I was part of the beta test and have installed all the beta versions of Windows 2008 although they were used for bug reporting and as a learning tool. The server it is installed on is the final stop before installing on my live servers. So this is the final look before I upgrade all my servers to Windows Server 2008.

Also coming soon will be a Windows Server 2008 forum

Continue reading “Windows Server 2008 RTM”

Disabling DCOM Support in RPC Over HTTP in Windows Server 2003

I know this is an older exploit, but, my servers are still getting scanned for the vulnerability. It’s always better safe than sorry when dealing with anything that opens your Windows server up to an attack and possible compromise.

Read on to determine if RPC over HTTP is installed and if it is how to secure your server against any attack that exploits this vulnerability.

Continue reading “Disabling DCOM Support in RPC Over HTTP in Windows Server 2003”

Adding A, IP, MX Records to a Windows DNS zone

If you have to first set up your DNS server on Windows check out Setting Up Windows Server 2003 DNS Server. If you already have your Windows DNS server setup and just want to add a few records this tutorial will explain how to add those DNS records.

Continue reading “Adding A, IP, MX Records to a Windows DNS zone”