Introducing 2 New Communities – Update

These communities were merged into the new Off Topic Forum. If you were a member at these communities your posts can be found at Off Topic Forum.

I just opened 2 new forum communities. I haven’t opened any new forums in a while and thought I’d add a couple new sites to the network.

The first community to join the network is Illinois Forum. It is a community for people that live in Illinois, people planning to move to Illinois or people that used to live in Illinois to communicate and share ideas. Even if you don’t live in Illinois you’re still welcome at Illinois Forum. We are a friendly bunch.

The second community I added to the network is the Scribble Board. Scribble Board is a place to post your thoughts or ideas to share with others. No matter what the topic you’re welcome to post. It is easy to navigate and post if you’re in a hurry to get your thoughts out. No multiple forums to confuse you. You’ll never post in the wrong forum again. So why not visit Scribble Board and scribble your thoughts today?