Here is a quick tip showing you how to add mySQL and PHP to your Windows Server path. Many people ask how to do this and while it is included in the Installing mySQL and Installing PHP tutorials I thought I would make it easier for everyone to get the information.
Lets get to it.
First thing to do is right click My Computer and select Properties:
Select Advanced tab and you’ll see what is shown in figure 2 above. Now click Environment variables button.
In the bottom box select Path as shown in figure 1 above. Click edit. You’ll get a box like figure 2 above with path highlighted. Click into the box at the end of the path and add:
;C:\path\to\mysql\bin for mySQL
;C:\path\to\php for PHP
Don’t forget the leading ” ; ” when adding the paths. Those are the path seperators.
That’s all there is to it. If you have any question post a comment. If you need one on one help visit the forum.