Loading Saved Site Configuration into IIS

If you read Saving Site Configuration to File you’ll also want to know how to load that file back into your Windows Server running IIS. You can use the file to duplicate the site configuration on a development Windows server.

Use it when you move to another Windows server. You can even use it to load a new website so you don’t have to configure PHP or any other extensions or loadable modules. Keep in mind if you do want to load a new website to duplicate the configuration you’ll have to change the host headers and IP address assigned to the new site in Windows Server IIS manager.

Let’s get started.

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xTreme Visual Studio .Net Forum

xTreme .Net Talk is the evolution of Extreme Visual Basic Forum the site has been online from 1995 to 2016. Visual Basic Forum was the premier resource for the latest news and information for Visual Basic programmers. xTreme .Net Talk provides many source code examples, tutorials and guides available as well as an interactive forum to share knowledge with other programmers.

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