Moving Your Site to a New Server

From time to time someone at The Admin Zone will ask how to easily move a site from one server to another. While this article will explain how to do this if your site is hosted on a Windows server it can easily be applied when moving from Windows to Linux, Linux to Windows or Linux to Linux. Moving your site to a new server is not all that hard. With this article I will attempt to make a move easy for you.

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Setting Up Windows Server 2003 DNS Server

Setting up DNS on Windows 2003 is an easy task. In this article will explain the steps to set up DNS on Windows 2003 in an easy to understand way. The first thing you need to do is to install the DNS module. To install the DNS snapin on Windows 2003 Standard or Enterprise Server click Start and select Manage You Server. Once the Wizard opens select Add or Remove a Roll. When the wizard is done checking your hardware it will popup a box that will list all rolls you can enable. Select DNS and follow along with the prompts. It’s pretty straight forward and easy to follow. Once installed you’ll see an option to configure a DNS server. This will open the DNS Manager and start the wizard to configure your DNS server. Once the DNS manager opens you can start to set up the zones for your websites. Lets get started.

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Search Engine Optimization Tips

Search engine optimization (SEO) is a technique employed by webmasters to get more traffic to the site.

Search engine optimization requires a careful keyword analysis and placing these keywords at proper places in the website. I am a professional SEO and in this article I will highlight few important SEO tips that you should follow in order to secure good search engine rankings.

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Upgrading PHP and MYSQL on Windows

This article will explain the easy way to upgrade PHP and MYSQL on Windows Servers. Easy if you followed my installing PHP and instaling MYSQL tutorials.

If you follow this procedure you can have PHP and MYSQL upgraded in less than an hour.

Of course that doesn’t include the time it takes to download PHP and MYSQL. I will assume you have them downloaded. Lets get started. We’ll upgrade MYSQL first.

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How to Assemble a PC for Use as a Home Server

This is an adaptation of How to Assemble a PC written by Gavino at Free PC Help Forum. It is always a good idea to have a server at home to test out new versions of software or hacks to the software that you use to run your community. By testing on a dev server you don’t sacrifice your live site. Once you have tested everything and are satisfied there will be no problems when you upgrade you can easily transfer the files from the home server to the live server. You don’t need top of the line hardware for your test server. In fact you can use an old PC instead of building a new one. Of course if you choose to use an old PC you have lying around you’ll want to make sure you use the newest versions of server software and tools.

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