Dmoz Resource Zone

If you run a site you know that you need traffic to make it successful. I am sure you’ve heard of Dmoz. It is the largest human edited directory and the data is open content. This means that you can download the rdf dump and use it on your site. Many sites including Google use the data.

If you get your site listed in Dmoz you’ll get a back link on all those sites. Last estimate was over 100,000 sites use the data. That can be a good thing to have your link on 100,000 sites.
That is where Dmoz Resurce Zone comes into play. Dmoz Resurce Zone is a forum run by the editors of Dmoz.

The editors that frequent Dmoz Resource Zone are there to guide through the process of getting your site in the directory.

There are many forums dedicated to SEO, but, Dmoz Resource Zone is the only one dedicated to only Dmoz. It really should be the one place to visit to get tips to help you get your site listed. The editors are hard working and dedicated to making Dmoz a spam free resource and want to make sure it is the best resource on the web. Only the highest quality sites get listed. No cookie cutters allowed.
Since the editors of Dmoz own and operate Dmoz Resource Zone the advice you get will be the best.
So if you’re interested in making all that hard work configuring your server and building you site payoff stop by Dmoz Resource Zone. The editors are friendly and will be more than willing to help you get your site up to Dmoz standards so it can be listed in the best resource index.