Forum SEO: vBulletin/vbSEO vs IPB with SEO URL’S

Brandon Sheley posted this on Twitter.

I’m 95% certain I can get a vb+vbseo board to out rank an IPB forum with the same content & links.

I was going to write an article about this very topic. I had gathered the data and taken screenshots to do this and until Brandon posted on Twitter I didn’t have the urge. I have converted 3 of my communities to IPB from vBulletin. The sites all had vbSEO installed. I gathered the data from  Computer Help Forums from the last week I had vBulletin with vbSEO installed and then each week after the conversion to IPB. What I did was look at stats for each week after after I converted. Initially pageviews dropped, but, site visits and visitors stayed constant. Then about 2 weeks  in I noticed an increase in pageviews, visits and visitors. I also noticed that the search engines seemed to visit more often.

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Dmoz Resource Zone

If you run a site you know that you need traffic to make it successful. I am sure you’ve heard of Dmoz. It is the largest human edited directory and the data is open content. This means that you can download the rdf dump and use it on your site. Many sites including Google use the data.

If you get your site listed in Dmoz you’ll get a back link on all those sites. Last estimate was over 100,000 sites use the data. That can be a good thing to have your link on 100,000 sites.
That is where Dmoz Resurce Zone comes into play. Dmoz Resurce Zone is a forum run by the editors of Dmoz.

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Search Engine Optimization Tips

Search engine optimization (SEO) is a technique employed by webmasters to get more traffic to the site.

Search engine optimization requires a careful keyword analysis and placing these keywords at proper places in the website. I am a professional SEO and in this article I will highlight few important SEO tips that you should follow in order to secure good search engine rankings.

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