How to Increase PHP Performance on Windows Servers

I needed to upgrade PHP on my servers. I run a mix of Windows 2008 and Windows 2003 servers using IIS. I had been doing quit a bit of research the last couple weeks. My research taught me a few things. PHP for Windows has evolved to the point that it can run as well on Windows as it does on Linux servers without the errors we used to see. I’m not going to get into them since anyone that has been running Windows Servers with PHP for any length of time will be able to tell you about the errors that were common.

Now on to the steps I took to increase the performance of my PHP websites running on Windows 2008 and Windows 2003 with IIS. At the end of the article I’ll supply links to the downloads I used.

Continue reading “How to Increase PHP Performance on Windows Servers”

Windows Server 2008 Forum Now Open

I recently opened, yesterday in fact, a new forum for Windows Server 2008 help, support and discussions. Once Windows Server 2008 is released to the public the new forum will be the place to discuss anything related to the new version of Windows Server.

When Windows Server 2008 is adopted by more people I will combine Admins Zone – Resources for Forum Admins into the new forum to make a one stop shop for all your Windows Server needs.

Be one of the first to register at the new Windows Server 2008 Forum.

Adding A, IP, MX Records to a Windows DNS zone

If you have to first set up your DNS server on Windows check out Setting Up Windows Server 2003 DNS Server. If you already have your Windows DNS server setup and just want to add a few records this tutorial will explain how to add those DNS records.

Continue reading “Adding A, IP, MX Records to a Windows DNS zone”