vBulletin v IPB – The Final Chapter

As some of you know I bought a site database. The site vBnt.net was a vbulletin site and is no longer online. I was going to convert it to IPB. Problem was it wouldn’t convert. I have done my share of vbulletin to IPB conversions, over 20 in fact, for myself and clients and this is the first time I could not work through the conversion issues so I just upgraded to the latest stable release of vbulletin, version 4.1.1.

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Might Use vBulletin For One of My New Sites

I am getting ready to open a new site. It’s been one I have been wanting to open for a while and is in a niche that is rather new. There are some established sites in the niche so the sledding will not be easy, but, since this is a somewhat newer niche there is a good chance of being successful. For this site I will use IPB. I still think IPB is the best forum software to date.

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