I recently, yesterday in fact, bought a database to vbnt.org a general discussion forum. It isn’t a large community. It’s perfect to start with though. It has 539 members and a little over 7,000 posts. The database was from a vbulletin 3.8.5 forum so I decided to use vbulletin 4 for this forum although I won’t rule out a future switch to IPB. I had bought the domain vbnt.net on speculation I would get the data. Turns out I got lucky there.
Might Use vBulletin For One of My New Sites
I am getting ready to open a new site. It’s been one I have been wanting to open for a while and is in a niche that is rather new. There are some established sites in the niche so the sledding will not be easy, but, since this is a somewhat newer niche there is a good chance of being successful. For this site I will use IPB. I still think IPB is the best forum software to date.
Continue reading “Might Use vBulletin For One of My New Sites”
Forum Admin Communities
I recently resigned my admin position from a popular admin community that will remain nameless in this post. The reason for that will be clear in the end. Since that time many things have been bothering me about these communities with the exception of one. They refuse to join in any sort of alliance with each other that could and more than likely would benefit them all. Instead each has there own variation of the rule that you can not link to other admin forums.
Microsoft .Net Programmers Forum
Once upon a time in a land far away I owned the most popular visual basic programming forum. I sold that forum along with a start up Visual Studio programming forum. Since that time I went on to other ventures.
I always had it the back of my mind to open another programming forum.
Most of my sites are tech sites with the exception of a couple off topic forums. I just never could find the time needed to dedicate myself to nurturing a new programming community. You really need to be able answer the questions in the early stages and since I haven’t daddled in any code other than C and PHP over the last few years I didn’t want to undertake something I had not messed with since Visual Studio 2003 and since I sold the .Net forum.